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Partners & Supporting Organisations

We love joining together with other organisations to make a difference in our world, but also to make the event happen and transform lives through encounters with God. 

Check out some of the organisations we're working with below

World Vision

This summer help create a Queue for the Loo with our friends at World Vision!  You’ll hear from them in the Big Top and around site where you won’t need to be feeling flush to make an impact!

Together with everyone at Awaken we’ll be helping to build lifesaving toilets in Uganda, to protect children from illness, keep them in school and safe from harm.

Care for the Family

Care for the family is committed to strengthening family life, helping you put down roots in the good times and weather the storms when things are tough. You can find them in the exhibition, and founder Rob Parsons will be running parenting and marriage seminars over the weekend

Betel UK

Betel UK is an independent Christian charity for men, women and families affected by the hardships that lead to social exclusion, especially homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse and long-term unemployment

The Message

The Message Trust is a worldwide movement passionately sharing the love of Jesus Christ in words and actions with the hardest-to-reach young people and communities.