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Seminars and Spaces

We love the opportunity the event gives to dig that bit deeper, encounter the Holy Spirit in a meaningful way and discuss some important topics that are affecting Christianity today.

We’re joined by collaborators from across our Network alongside some friends and guests to bring you our Seminar programme for 2024.

With 7 great spaces for you to encounter God and go deeper in your faith. These sessions run in 2 slots across Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

Encounter Space

Our encounter spaces allow extra time for prayer ministry and this year include a Worship Encounter Session - an extended time of worship with prophetic input, testimonies and prayer for the sick.

Creative Space

Looking at how we can use the creative gifts God has blessed us with and step into our creative potential.

Growth Space

Giving space for our Big Top speakers to dive a little deeper, in this space they will be sharing with us wisdom from their own experiences and leadership tools that can be applied back in our own contexts.

Family Space

Care for the Family will be sharing in this space about who they are and topics based on family.

Wellbeing Space

In this space Jo tells us some of the life changing links between what God tells us in His word and what we are now discovering about the brain and how it works.

Impact Space

How can we have an impact on the world around us? In this space we will be talking about impacting the places we live with the love of Jesus through whats in our hands and by realising our God given purpose

Connection Space

The connection space hosts receptions for our Team Leader Cohorts to come together, share ideas and inspiration. 

Youth Space

Our youth space will be taking time to unpack some of the topics that Young people are experiencing today.

YA Space

Space for our Young Adults to connect and go deeper into topics relating to their context.